Week 13

"Mum, why don't you cook for us like this" my eldest said, when I had prepared a supper for the headmaster who was coming for supper. He was talking about the chocolate roulade which takes 13 minutes to make, and looks exciting. Full of whipped cream, a chocolate sauce and light sponge. The eldest has just got into the school he wanted to go to, a big moment. His life feels like it is set now, and he will go in a year's time, without a backward glance. He will adore it, and I better start making more roulades for him, so that he wants to come home. 

Next week I'm going away for a week, on my own, to a silent retreat. No talking, no eye contact, no reading, no writing. Just meditation, chi gong, yoga and listening to a meditation master. The day starts at 6am, and ends with bed at 8.30, after soup for supper. My only concern is about feeling hungry, so I will fill the car with bounce balls and other treats. My only experience has been a day of meditation, but I'm hoping that I will come away with a new skill. As friends look horrified at the thought of silence, I can only anticipate the joy of no one asking me questions for a week. It'll be an experience, and I , rather like giving birth, look forward to seeing how I will cope with the situation. So spoiling to have a week to myself, I can't wait. 

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