Christmas tends to mean too much of things and I want to curb things in 2017 starting with chocolate, having eaten too much, the best I have ever eaten ( Nom Nom). Whilst drinking a few too many rum cocktails at a pre christmas party, I merrily told a friend that of course we would have their lurcher to stay. The kennel was not playing ball with their holiday arrangements. Anyway, the dog arrived with this bar of sensationally good salted caramel chocolate. I ate the whole thing, on my own, in the larder. I'm sure that is not normal behaviour. In the end, my long suffering husband looked after the dog as I took the children to see Star Wars, and then enjoyed the drama of leaving the cinema to find the car locked into the multi storey car park for the night. " I saw the sign Mum, it said it shut at 6pm" . Well, I wish you had told me . Amazingly a very nice security man was on the end of a phone and did come to open up and let us get the car out. Rushing around an almost empty car park in the dark, is a rather eery experience.I like to think it added to the boys' day. I enjoyed it anyway.
It's fun planning the new year. I found a book 9 years ago, which re appeared the other day. 'Happiness in a Nut Shell'. It has an inscription inside to my sister , from her godfather. He tragically committed suicide , so I'm not sure how successful it was for him , but I do love this little book. It is extremely unlikely looking with bold, comic drawings, but it holds wonderful , grounding insights. I really love it and have now bought another by the same author ' Follow your Heart'. It sounds corny and dreadful, but is really fantastic. I am excited about 2017 in every respect. What it will hold, I can't wait to see, but I want to be ready. Like Christmas, as I have discovered this year, being organised is the secret to being calm, certainly for me.